Monday, March 30, 2009

Sick day

My son threw up after school today. I knew he was sick at lunch. It's odd how a mom can tell her child is sick just by looking at him. His face was flushed, his head hung low, his shoulders were drooped, he shuffled his feet. No fever, no cough, no rash. But he just wasn't acting normal. It was confirmed at the lunch table when he didn't eat his Cheetos. That NEVER happens! But he wanted to go to school. I warned his teacher and told him that I would take him home if he started to feel worse. He made it through the day, but didn't make it down the hall to me. In fact, he didn't make it to a toilet or even a trash can. While waiting for me, he upchucked all over the couch, his pants, his coat, his sister, and her back pack.

Now he's napping, which NEVER happens.

When I leave my little diabetic with a new caregiver, I explain to them about what his low blood glucose level looks like. I describe his low behavior in detail, and say, "Don't worry - you'll know. His whole behavior changes. My little spaz will slow down." And they get it when they see it. So totally obvious. You just know. The blood sugar monitor just tells you how low it really is. It's just like when your own child gets sick. You just know.

Except in the case of an ear infection, which always went untreated in our household because my kids never once complained of pain!

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