Friday, October 14, 2011

What if...?

My son is forever asking "What if..." questions. It drives me crazy. His latest obsession has sparked a ton of "What if..." questions: McDonald's Monopoly. One of the game pieces he pulled from his Hash Brown was Indiana Avenue. He was SO excited! He thought he had won $50,000! I nearly broke his heart when I explained that he had to collect all three red game pieces in order to win the prize. Of course, he was convinced he could find all three. His excitement grew when he found Illinois Avenue. He still doesn't realize that his chances of finding one of the eight Kentucky Avenue pieces is pretty slim. His eye is on the prize.

"Mom, what if you won the $50,000. Would you buy me the LEGO Death Star?"
"Yes, C, if I won the $50,000, I would buy you the LEGO Death Star?"

And later...
"Mom, what if you won $50,000? What would you buy?"
"Well, C, I would buy you the LEGO Death Star. I would take us all to Disney World. And I would make a down payment on a house. Oh, and maybe buy me an iPad."

Even later...
C recounted to Super D that if I won the $50,000, I would buy the LEGO Death Star and a down syndrome on a house. (I think everything after the words LEGO Death Star just sounded like, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.")

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