Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Grinch who almost stole Christmas

My mom bought herself a Christmas gift - a new T.V. She purchased it online and expected it to be delivered a day or two before Christmas. It was delivered early. Normally, this would be an occasion for a happy dance, but on this particular day, Mom wasn't home.

Most people would not be able to see a box at her door if they're just driving by. Mom shares a short street with about 23 other families in a dozen duplex homes. Her door doesn't face the street and sits in a small alcove, so you would have to walk up in her yard to really get a good look at her entryway. But when the FedEx man pulled up to her door and delivered a large box marked "T.V.", I guess some of those families were bound to notice.

Mom doesn't know many of her neighbors, but she has spoken with a few of them. One man, who lives across the street, is, at first glance, a nuisance. I have noticed him on several occasions making lots of noise in his garage late at night. It's not the sweet sounds of the Whos down in Whoville, but we do hear loud music and, sometimes, power tools. Fortunately, I don't think Mom can hear the din from inside her house, so I haven't made a big deal of it. But Mom met the Who neighbor, has spoken to him on several occasions, and has said he is very nice. I wasn't sure I believed her. Well, not until yesterday.

You see, he was one of the neighbors who noticed the FedEx truck. And he noticed that another neighbor, a Grinch, had seen it, too. When Mom returned home yesterday, Neighbor Who came to her door and told her that he had her T.V. in his living room. He said the Grinch had walked past her house several times, looking toward her front door. Mr. Who knows that the Grinch is a thief. So, Mr. Who saved Mom's T.V. from the Grinch, who had already backed his truck into the driveway next door. Mr. Who brought Mom's new T.V. back to her.

While I'm a little mad that FedEx would deliver such an expensive package without a signature, I am overjoyed that there are people in this Grinchy world who still do good deeds. They have a heart for others. They look out for their neighbors. They care. I'm especially glad that one such Who lived across the street from my mom. Maybe we need to watch a little Dr. Seuss on her new T.V. this Christmas.

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