Saturday, March 30, 2013

Okay, so I'm a geek.

It's Doctor Who Day! I don't think I've ever liked a TV show as I like this one. Several weeks ago, I started rewatching all of the current episodes on Netflix in a sort of countdown to this day. Season 7 returns tonight. I had no idea how I was going to see the new episodes since we didn't have BBC America. Wait for them to post to iTunes? Find a website with a bad copy of the episode?

Fortunately, SuperD saved the day! He called the cable company to see how expensive it would be to add this channel, and for only $6.50/month we now have an entire pack of new channels and better DVR boxes in both rooms. So now, since my daughter is as big of a geek as I am, we are having a Doctor Who watch party tonight, complete with fish fingers and custard.

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