Friday, May 24, 2013

Proud Mom moment

I'm so proud of my kids! They worked hard this year, and it paid off! Despite having difficulty staying on task during class, The Brain earned mostly A's during his fourth grade year. His daily grades were all over the place, but they averaged out just fine. Obviously, Reading is the area where he struggles most.

And even with her crazy-hard schedule, Pinky pulled out straight A's! As if Freshman year wasn't hard enough, this was an amazing accomplishment, considering the number of before and after school hours she logged in for marching band the first semester. And she had two year-long pre-AP courses and one semester-long pre-AP course. Her first semester Health grade doesn't appear here, but she made an A there, too.

So, thanks for indulging me for a moment while I brag on them because I am awfully proud!

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