Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

I begin the new year with a Bible verse, my iPad, and a new book to read.

I subscribe to KLOVE's Bible verse of the day emails, and today's verse is:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

I realize that we all tend to try to make a fresh start of things on January 1st, like beginning a new diet, starting a new exercise regime, vow to give up on old vice, pick up a new habit (like a new blog). A new year seems like a great time to begin something new. But I have found that this attitude sets me up for failure. I begin with an excitement for a new plan, a better way of doing things. I think, "This is SO gonna work!" That rush carries me through for a few days, or maybe a few weeks, until the excitement wears off, and I begin to tire of the effort. I guess I'm lazy. If it's too much work, it's easier to just give up. So I do.

That's when the feelings of failure set in. I forget that new beginnings don't have to start on January 1st. When I fail, I must start again. And again. And again. I learned that in 2012 when I signed up to try the 3-point commitment. Each time I complained, I simply switched my bracelet to the other wrist and started over. No more laziness. If I want to make a change, I must work tirelessly to achieve it.

So what do I want this year? For what am I willing to work that hard? I have a wish list, in no certain order. Do I dare share them? Who will hold me accountable? Some I have already begun, with varying degrees of success. But I am determined to mark a few of them if not all off my list.

I want to be a better mom. I want to be a better wife. I want to be a better housekeeper. I want to be a better Christian, a reflection of Christ to the world. I want to be thinner so that my sleeves aren't so tight and I don't have a muffin top or a double chin. I want to read more, especially my Bible. I want to stop wasting my money and start saving it for things that are more important to me. I want to stop complaining and be more optimistic. I want to become less prideful.

So there it is. 2013 has the promise of a good year. But it begins with me. Today. I begin my day with a powerful Bible verse, a post in my blog, and The Power of Six (the second book in the Lorien Legacies, which is a series my daughter is reading, too), a house which is guest-ready, and tools in place to help me spend less money. I've already begun. I already feel successful. I'm determined.

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