Saturday, May 7, 2011

Old is new again

This is the outdoor table and chairs set which adorned my grandparents' screened-in patio for as long as I can remember. I used to see Grandmother and Grandfather sit outside and read the newspaper at this table. We ate breakfast on it when the weather was nice.

Eventually, my parents inherited it. By then, it had many years worth of rust on it. I was afraid to sit in the chairs, for fear that I would ruin my pants. When my mom moved a few years ago, Super D and I got the set. It just sits on our back porch. What a lonely sight.

No one wants to eat on it. Quite frankly, it's disgusting. So lately, we have been looking into restoring it. I am quite determined to use this set again. I thought it would be better just to let a professional do it, but I knew it would be expensive. The money was the only thing holding us up. Then Super D talked with a friend who has experience with such things, and he told us how we could do it ourselves. Oh boy! My first DIY project!

So today, we headed to the hardware store and purchased a bristle brush, gloves, masks, and primer/paint. It turned out to be a good day for painting because there was little wind in our backyard. It would have been perfect had it been a little cooler. We scrubbed, washed, and sprayed. Six cans of paint later, we have almost completed the first coat.

After the paint thouroughly dries, we must turn the table and chairs over to spray the underneath and the bottoms of the legs. Then, we will apply a second coat.

We used a dark bronze hammered metal paint. Because of the textured finish, we were able to paint right over the old paint and the rust. It looks incredible! With just a little more good weather, we will be eating from this antique table and chairs in a little over a week.

The final step will be to find cushions for the chairs and see about cutting a hole in the middle of the glass so that we can purchase an umbrella for it. I see many outdoor meals in our future. And many new memories.

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