Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The Casey Anthony trial has caused many discussions in our household, but none like the argument that sprouted when the verdict was announced. It was on its way to being very heated. Super D and I are in agreement that we think she killed her child, if not by her own hand, then by neglect. We each have our own theories about how her daughter died, but those vary.

Where we disagree is with the verdict. While I believe in my heart that Casey is guilty of something, I don't think there was any way to convict her of anything, based on the evidence that was given. I don't know how any child can go missing for a month and a mother not report her missing. How could she not be paralyzed with worry and grief? How could she even think about partying? This is the biggest indicator that Casey is covering up some shady activity. Super D takes that and says she deserves the death penalty. And she may. I think he believes that even if she didn't murder her child with her own hands, her lack of action led to the little girl's death, and Caylee's death is the responsibility of her mother. I see his point. But can we legally do anything about it without concrete evidence? Apparently not.

I'm so stubborn that I was prepared to argue my opinion (which I think is right, by the way), but is this case worth the argument that results between my husband and me? Absolutely not.

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