Monday, January 19, 2009

The circus is in town

I love the circus. The clowns, the animals, the costumes, the lights, the music, the acrobatics, the hooplah. No matter my age, the circus is a wonder. It leaves me on a high for days. The memories remain for a lifetime. Every time the circus comes to town, I want to see it again. To experience the magic once more. See different clowns, different animals, different costumes, different lights, different music, different acrobatics, different hooplah.

I like that the circus is only two hours long. I wouldn't go if I had to listen to two weeks of "Entrance of the Gladiators".

Well, the media circus is back in town. The clowns are funnier. Animals perform different tricks. The costumes are glitzier. The lights are brighter. They've added more music. The acrobats no longer have a net. But the hooplah . . . it's just too much. It's been one week already, and yet the ringmaster still hasn't begun with "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..." We're still watching the pre-circus. And after the real circus is over, there will be another week of post-circus. I don't think I can't stand it. And yet I can't seem to escape it. If I hear that big top music one more time, I think I will scream!

I went to the last two circuses. I didn't want to miss them. All my friends were going. But I skipped the pre-circus and the post-circus. I really didn't need someone to tell me what I was going to see and then analyze every flip, roar, and laugh after it was over. I have a circus program for that.

I like the circus. Really, I do. So, tomorrow, I hope I make it to my seat just in time to hear the ringmaster say, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That is the best part. The historic event. The center ring.

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