Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday Nights

My grandfather used to call my brother and me every Friday and say, "Is it Friday yet?" This was code for, "Can you come over to spend the night?"

Friday nights at my grandparents house are one of my fondest childhood memories. As I age, I don't remember specifically what we did as much as I just remember being with them. I do remember playing games like Flinch and Wahoo. (I'm so old that these games are now known as Skip-bo and Aggravation.) The computer was a novelty, and my brother and I spent hours playing M.U.L.E. I remember my grandparents watching Mystery! and Masterpiece Theater on PBS and wondering how they could stand to watch something so boring. I mean, in my mind, the only public television worth watching aired in the mornings. (I now LOVE both Mystery! and Masterpiece: Prime Suspect, the Linley Mysteries, Agatha Christie, Poirot, Jane Austen.) And Hee Haw . . . well, don't get me started! That was just pure torture!

Saturday mornings, Grandfather made breakfast, which usually consisted of either waffles or pancakes. These were not your average, boring breakfasts. They always had a "surprise" inside - nuts, chocolate chips, blueberries, or bananas.

In the spring, we had to help in the garden, which I absolutely dreaded. In the summer, we would play in the sprinkler to keep cool (no swimsuit required - just underwear). In the fall, we would attend Bulldog football games. And in the winter, we would always have a roaring fire in the fireplace.

TGIF was reality for me because I waited all week for these overnight visits. Now I realize that my parents probably enjoyed them more than we did. They had a standing Friday night date!

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