Sunday, January 4, 2009


I'm blogging. I'm FLYing. Yesterday I rode bikes with A. Tomorrow begins the real exercise. I won't be so ambitious to think that I can do aerobics. I think I will begin with a walking routine. Harmless enough.


  1. I'm starting South Beach Super Charged tomorrow! It's got an interval fitness program that mostly aerobics or jumping.

    When I did SB 3 years ago, I lost 84 lbs in 9 I know it will work for me again.

    You can do it!!! Just remember, we have 20 year reunions this summer! That's motivation enough for me!

  2. That is precisely my motivation. I don't even want to post my own head shot on my blog because I hate how fat my neck looks.

    I'm starting with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. At least the 1-mile will get me moving.

    On days when I am feeling particularly tough, I will switch to Denise Austin's Shrink Your Female Fat Zones.

    On days when I resent Denise Austin for hurting me, I will switch to Richard Simmons' Sweatin' to the Oldies 2. Everyone in that video is bigger than me, and the music is better.
