Friday, March 18, 2011

Year 3

Here we go again...

Yesterday, my husband (Super D) and I decided that this is the spring that our son will finally learn to ride his bike. Seriously, I can see the other middle school boys making fun of him a few years down the road. I refused to let this fear cripple him and keep him from accomplishing something which I knew would bring him great joy. So, today I drew the line in the sand. Actually, I drove his sister and him to Sonic Drive-In and told him that A and I were going to enjoy a Sonic Blast, and if he wanted one, too, he would have to agree to endure a lesson today and tomorrow on the dreaded "big-boy" bike. Now before you feel too sorry for him, I was still going to buy him a small ice cream treat anyway, but he jumped at my offer all too quickly.

With our bellies full, C donned his helmet and his elbow pads. He steadied himself atop his bike while I took a firm grasp of the waistband of his pants. As he started down the driveway, his balance was incredibly solid, so I said, "I'm going to let go now." And as he took off down the street like a rocket, I heard him yell, "It's a miracle!"

As the sun set, Super D and I had to force C to put his bike back in the garage. And we already have plans for an early morning ride.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise for mom! I bet he was on cloud 9 for sure!!
