Saturday, June 11, 2011

True Colors

Have you ever watched Warehouse 13? As I've stated before, I'm a bit of a Sci-Fi geek. I'm not hard core, but I love a good story. When the SyFy Channel aired Warehouse 13, my whole family was hooked. My daughter loves this show. A is particularly intrigued with a character named Claudia. She is a young, quirky, electronics/computer wizard, played by Allison Scagliotti, who provides much of the comic relief in each episode. She is definitely lovable!

Claudia's uniqueness is accentuated in her hair. She has a streak of color which cascades down the right side of her face, and its color changes with each episode. A loves it! Last year, she cut her hair to the same style as Claudia's and really wanted a streak of color, too. Alas, bright hair colors are against her school's dress code (although mohawks and feathers aren't). She has talked about her hair sadness numerous times.

While A was away at camp, I decided to take her to the salon when she returned and get it colored for the summer. I hoped the novelty hadn't worn off. Sure enough, she couldn't get to the salon fast enough. Super D drove her there to set up an appointment. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait - they took her as a walk-in! And this is how my beautiful teenager returned home:

She can't stop smiling! Her friends are fawning! I figure it's not rebellious; it's not permanent; and it's incredibly cute! It was worth every dime we paid to see that smile!

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